As soon as spring comes around, more raw foods come into season. In this article, we want to explore together some of the best greens you can incorporate into your diet.
What Are the Best Greens for Your Diet?
If you want to keep it simple, go for spinach. It is no secret that spinach is high in iron. Nevertheless, this spring green is also one of the best sources of magnesium and potassium.
Spinach is a great option to go for when you need a green that is rich in vitamin A, C, and K. The same applies to escarole. Its lighter inner leaves are tender and sweet, while the darker ones are slightly bitter. You can use escarole raw in a salad or add it to soups.
Next, we recommend including pea shoots in stir-fries and salads. Pea shoots are also one of the best greens to eat in spring because they contain fibre, vitamin C, beta carotene, and folate.
Other great spring greens include watercress and dandelion. Watercress has a spicy flavour and is rich in calcium, as well as vitamins. In comparison, dandelion is another great source of iron.
Naturally enough, we recommend that you add Swiss chard and kale to your spring diet, too. Kale contains almost no calories but is high in copper, iron, potassium, and phosphorous. Both Swiss chard and kale are rich in vitamins A, K, and C, yet Swiss chard is also a great source of the antioxidant vitamin E.
How to Add Best Tasting Greens to Your Diet
Now that you have an idea of the best greens to eat during spring, the question is how you can incorporate them into your diet. In fact, the options are plenty. First, you can use spring greens to make easy and quick green salads.
Second, it is a great idea to puree spring greens for a twist on sauces and spreads. Third, we encourage you to add greens to your breakfast or to casserole dishes.
Next, you can also make great smoothies, as well as a tasty arugula pesto.
Last, but not least, you can enjoy the benefits of spring greens by adding any of the best vegetable powder to your diet. If you research “best tasting superfood powder”, you are likely to find out that such products contain some of the best reds and greens.
To sum up, these were just a few of the best greens to eat during the spring. As you can see, they are very rich in fibre and nutrients and fibre. On top of that, greens are the most suitable type of food for anyone who wants to follow a low-calorie diet. We hope that you found our suggestions insightful and wish you an amazing spring.