Backpack vs. suitcase? Many travellers wonder is it better to travel with a backpack or standard luggage. Well, the answer is easy – backpack! Why? The small cobbled streets in Europe or the dirty roads of India are not particularly suitcase friendly. A standard suitcase will get damaged very quickly, so backpacks are coming to the rescue.
The best travel backpack will make travelling easier. If it is strapped to your back with a good strap you will barely feel the weight, plus your hands will remain free and you can easily access your luggage inside. What’s more with a backpack you can save a lot in luggage fees and invest the money in new backpacking trips.
If you are already convinced you need a backpack for your next trip and the suitcase is staying at home, read on to find out how to choose the best travel backpack for your needs.
Here are the most important things to keep in mind when buying a travel backpack.
You are the only one who can decide which size is right for you. Your travel pack should be proportional to your size. Backpacks are usually between 35 and 80L, so it also depends on how long you are travelling and how much you will be packing. If you usually go on weekend backpacking trips and you like to have a carry-on sized luggage pick a 35 or 40L backpack.
Most travellers go for the 50-65 L, this seems to be a popular size. But don’t be tempted to buy a bigger size if you are not sure you are actually going to use it. The best travel backpack will be flexible in shape and size so when you fill it up, there is more chance you can still take it on a plane.
Some models even come with detachable parts to make things easier.
A warranty is always a good extra but think about it carefully. A long warranty can be a sign of good quality, still, it’s always nice to have a backup. So, check the warranty of the backpack and think about if it’s worth paying a little extra to be more confident about your choice and have a peace of mind. It is even better if the backpack comes with a lifetime guarantee.
Water Resistance
You probably don’t need a totally waterproof backpack, unless you go to the jungles, but some waterproofing can come in handy if you are caught in a shower. There are also backpacks with a built-in rain cover which is extremely convenient. You can always purchase a cover additionally.
Multiple Compartments
A good bag has multiple compartments. You can organize your stuff much better that way. Organizers are a great idea too because they help keep your pants, shirts and electronics separate from the rest of the luggage.
Make sure each of the compartments has two zippers which can be overlapped and locked. Thefts from backpacks are quite common when you leave your backpack unlocked. Even a small lock is often enough to deter the thieves.
Straps & back support
Avoid backpacks with low-quality straps and flat back. It is very important to have lumbar support when carrying a backpack. It supports the lower back, improves posture and keeps the spine in a neutral arch, which helps to distribute weight more evenly. Also, look for ergonomic, good, padded shoulder straps that will not cut into your shoulders.
Once you invest in the best quality travel backpack you shouldn’t worry about getting a new one in a very, very long time. A good quality travel pack will last years and will not get damaged as easily as suitcases. You need your chosen backpack to be durable, strong, compact and comfortable because it will be your best travel buddy!