
What Plants Make your Garden Look Picture Perfect

woman garden

Who would not like to turn their garden into a picture perfect sanctuary? If that sounds like you, you are in the right place. In this article, we want to have a look at our favorite small yard ideas. The 7 plants listed below will amaze your visitors with their look and make you feel as though you are living in a picture perfect world.


Pink Hydrangeas with bright green leaves close up taken outdoors



First, if you are searching for plants that are easy to grow, compact, and full of colors, then hydrangea is the perfect choice for you. Experts encourage us to plant this shrub in fall and in a sheltered location with shady afternoons and sunny mornings. In terms of soil, know that hydrangeas like good drainage and an abundance of organic material.


Hebe grass with purple blooms photographed outdoors




Another shrub that can help you create a garden that looks picture perfect is Hebe. This is a small evergreen, free-flowering shrub. It is famous for its neat attractive foliage, as well as abundant pink, purple or white flowers. The most important factor for growing Hebe, is access to the sun.


rosy periwinkle flower with bright green leaves in the background



Next, if you are looking for cheap garden paving ideas, consider growing Periwinkles. These evergreens can thrive in almost any degree of shade and soil. They stand out with their low-spreading colorful spring flowers.


red and pink begonias on a window sill in a wooden flower box



Next, we recommend that you plant Begonias. These tender garden plants flower freely. Moreover, they tolerate some shade and retain their fine foliage, as well as charming lop-sided leaves.


woman sitting in the sun in a chair in a picture perfect garden reading a book



It feels amazing to enter a garden full of red, purple, and red flowers, doesn’t it? To create this picture perfect look, you can grow Salvia. The flowers of this plant are very tender and grow in sun. Planting Salvia will allow you to enjoy a colorful garden paradise in late summer.


cosmea pink and white flowers blossoming outdoors



In comparison with some of the previous plants, Cosmea can grow up to 2m tall. This colorful plant will take your breath away thanks to its fine, feathery foliage, as well as pink and white flowers. Not only, does Cosmea need minimal care, but it is very attractive to bees.


blue white and yellow primrose with beautiful green leaves



Last, but not least, we recommend that you grow Primrose. This is a spring-flowering perennial that stands out with its extravagant color and form. To take proper care of Primroses, make sure it has access to partial shade and water. Other than that, this plant does not need a lot of protection.


beautiful picture perfect garden with a lot of blossoming flowers and bushes


Having a picture-perfect garden where you can relax, as well as gather with friends and family is a true blessing. We hope that this article will help you create your indoor garden design, as well as make the first steps towards turning it into reality.


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