We may still be in the midst of a pandemic. However, this does not mean that we cannot spend family fun time this Easter. Let us explore a few simple outdoor family activities that can help you make the holiday memorable.
#1. Water Balloon Egg Toss
You want to turn your Easter Sunday into a family fun zone. If so, try out this game. First, provide yourself with a couple water balloons and fill them with water. Second, go outside and split your family into pairs.
Third, each pair has to toss these balloon eggs back and forth. If any member of a team pops an egg, the whole team is out. The funny thing is that this will also make them soggy.
#2. Easter Bunny Hop Sack Race
It has never been easier to turn a burlap sack into hours of Easter family bonding. You simply need to provide each player with a sack and let them race to the finish. If you like Easter decorations, you can deck each sack out with a bunny tail.
#3. Egg Bowling
If you want to turn your garden into the ultimate family fun centre, organize an egg bowling game. For instance, you can try to knock down empty water bottles by rolling eggs. Another option includes competing to see who can get closest to a marker (i.e., a white egg).
#4. Egg Snatch
Egg hunts can be a funny way of turning a family evening or morning into a memorable experience. However, we recommend that you make this classic game a little bit more intriguing. To do so, simply introduce stealing rules. This means that it is ok to steal eggs from each other’s baskets. Yet, if you catch a snatcher, you have the right take one of their own eggs.
#5. Egged On Game
If your kids are older than 6, you can buy the Egged On Game. This is a roulette-style game where players crack plastic eggs on their heads. Someone will inevitably crack an egg filled with water and this is where the fun begins.
#6. Bean Bag Toss
Bag toss can be one of the simplest and funniest spring family activities. You just need to paint a bean bag board in your favorite Easter pastels and that is it. Get tossing!
#7. Spoon & Egg Roll Race
If you like classic outdoor Easter games, then host your own egg roll race. Besides, you can organize a spoon race. This means that each member of the family will get a spoon and a wooden egg. Then everyone needs to arrive at the finish line without dropping the egg.
This was our selection of ideas for simple, yet funny outdoor family activities you can try this Easter. We wish you happy holidays!