Reading a romantic story can easily make you assume that love and romance just happen and stay forever. Unfortunately, this could not be further from the truth. While we might enter a romantic relationship by chance, later on, it is necessary to consciously create routines for romance. In this article, we want to give you 4 practical tips on how to keep the romance alive between you and your partner.
#1. Get to Know & Speak Your Love Languages
Did you know that there are at least 5 ways in which people experience and express love? According to Dr. Gary Chapman, these love languages include words of affirmation, acts of service, touch, gifts and quality time. We recommend that you find out your and your partner’s primary love languages. Then put conscious effort into showing your love in a way that each of you can relate to.
#2. Set Time Aside for Romantic Dates
As soon as you move beyond the honeymoon phase of your relationship, it is easy to stop prioritizing enjoying time with your partner. Yet, lack of romantic escapes can negatively impact the quality of your relationship. This is so, we recommend that you research romantic date ideas and plan ahead of time for at least one date per month.
#3. Practice Welcoming Differences & Managing Conflict Constructively
There are numerous other routines you can incorporate into your romantic life. For example, some experts recommend taking time out daily to reflect on a specific topic. Discussing with your loved one what you think about something can help you strengthen your emotional connection. This is so because with time it will get easier to welcome, respect, and accept differences in your opinions.
Last, but not least, it is also vital to get better at fighting. It might not seem like part of the routines for romance. Yet, your conflict management skills will directly affect the quality of your relationship.
#4. Create Your Own Routines for Romance
Routines for romance can include reading aloud to each other while one of you cooks or does the dishes. You can also hold hands when you go to sleep or go for a walk on a daily basis. If your girlfriend or wife adores gifts, you might want to regularly buy small romantic gifts for her.
The possibilities are limitless. While all these ideas can definitely help you turn your relationship or marriage into a romantic love story, do not forget to create your own routines for romance. No matter what experts suggest, you and your partner are the only ones who know what you like and dislike. So, pay attention to your personal preferences and choose what suits you best.