The food we eat is “fuel” that drives the body. It is among the main determinants of both health and beauty, as the nutrients it reach every tissue and cell. The occurrence of wrinkles can also be associated with a meal. Food for no wrinkles is strongly individual but there are some that affect all types of skin.
What are the foods that could contribute to skin devoid of the presence of wrinkles?
Experts recommend to focus on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean proteins. They can help in the fight against inflammation, and also to maintain a good appearance.
Whole grains should be as close as possible to its natural state. For example, instead of apple juice, you should choose whole fruit.
What other foods should be regularly included in the menu?
Lettuce. It is rich in vitamins A and C, which inhibit inflammation. Also useful are broccoli, spinach, arugula, borage.
Tomatoes. They are rich in nutrients such as lycopene. Others are watermelon, grapefruit, red cabbage.
Salmon – contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that also combat inflammatory processes. Tuna is another good choice.
Lentils and beans – great sources of protein and are rich in fiber and nutrients. Experts explain that the skin is made up of proteins. In this sense, if you do not consume enough healthy protein, it will affect its appearance.
Green tea – it is first in the list of foods that help skin look perfect. Do not limit yourself – drink 4 cups of green tea per day. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, drink your last “fix” no later than 3.00 p.m
Instead of coffee, drink cocoa – many experts believe that coffee contributes to wrinkles as it increases levels of stress hormones – adrenaline and noradrenaline. On the other hand, studies show that contained in cocoa antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage and improve so important income of blood to the skin cells.
Reduce consumption of sugar and white bread – carbohydrates increase the risk of wrinkles. British studies state that the increase in the daily intake of carbohydrates to 50 grams leads to an increase in the risk by 28%.
With appropriate food and sufficient water and teas you can turn back the clock and look much younger. It is time to start.