There are just a few days until another Valentine’s Day in times of pandemic. If you don’t like the holiday, you have a legitimate excuse for not taking part. Yet, this would not mean that love is cancelled. Here are some of the ways in which people keep on celebrating Valentine during pandemic.
#1. Pandemic Valentine’s Day Cards
Interestingly enough, there are people who approach Valentine’s Day in times of pandemic with a sense of humour. So, instead of “Will you be my Valentine?” the new Valentine’s cards feature messages like: “Will you be my quarantine?”.
Other pandemic-themed cards end with “Sending you air hugs”. If you want to wish happy Valentine’s Day to your friends, you can also send them a message such as: “Six feet apart, but still in my heart” or “I may not be near, but I’m here”.
#2. Valentine Day Pandemic Date with a Long-Term Partner
As soon as the honeymoon phase of a relationship is over, people stop prioritizing time for romance. Yet, if your partner enjoys Valentine’s Day, then do not miss out on the opportunity to organize a special evening together. Most of our homes have turned into home office and home-schooling spaces. Yet, there are numerous ways in which you can organize a romantic date at home.
#3. Long-Distance Dating
It is no secret that dating has become more challenging in times of a pandemic. Yet, health protocols and technology can help singles stay safe and connected. A lot of relationships now start online which gives potential partners the chance to get to know each other better. If you are dating someone, you can spend a cosy and romantic Zoom Valentine’s Day dinner together.
#4. Celebrating Love in General
Even if you are single, you can still celebrate life and love in various forms. For instance, you can make a list of things you are grateful for. In addition, you can share words of affirmation with friends and family members you feel genuinely connected to.
Also, do not forget to do something rewarding for yourself. After all, self-love is an important facet of love, isn’t it? So, do an act of self-care and remind yourself that you are the most important person in your life. This can include a sensual massage, reading a nice book or simply identifying 5 things that make you feel proud of yourself.
To sum up, the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly rewritten relationships. A lot of relationships have ended and dating has been more challenging than before. Nevertheless, we are about to celebrate Valentine’s Day in times of pandemic once again. So, one thing is for certain: the human yearning for love is so strong that nothing can stand in its way.