Beautiful Emma Stone is known for her witty roles in different movies and TV shows. For that, she is sometimes required to gain or lose weight. For example, for her role in La La Land, she had to gain muscle mass because she was playing a tennis legend from the ‘70s. Then she needed to transform again for the Battle of the Sexes.
All these extreme transformations are possible because of Emma’s sports routine and diet. Here are her secrets to achieve the body she needed for her roles while staying healthy and happy.
Intense workout plan
The actress is fully committed to her sports plan and routine. She trained five days a week and four of these she was working out two times a day. Stone treats her working out as a job and this is what helps her power through when she gets really tired. And of course, the actress takes break days when she needs them to avoid any injuries.
Increased Calorie Intake
Exercise is not everything. Stone had to increase her calorie intake in a smart way. This meant eating high quality, clean food plus high-calorie shakes two times a day. Intense workouts are great but if you are not feeding your body properly it will not respond in the way you want it to. The shakes the actress likes are both tasty and nutritious, so it’s no torture drinking them twice a day for several months. Plus, the actress makes sure she eats clean food. Of course, she has her cheat days with pizza once in a while, but for the most part, she enjoys a more healthy and balanced meal.
Even when she was hungry from her intense workouts, she didn’t binge on unhealthy foods but kept her diet very clean.
Less Cardio
Emma Stone’s workout routine didn’t include a lot of cardio because she was compensating with weight training.
Adding Yoga Into the Routine
Stone has become much better at yoga to balance her routine. Things like back pains and knee aches usually happen due to imbalances in the body. There’s nothing better than a good stretching to balance things out. She does a mix of yoga, training and climbing and tries to be outdoors enjoying the good weather.
Taking Care of Her Body
The actress makes sure she takes good care of her body when she is not training. This means getting plenty of sleep, massages, staying hydrated and making sure she has the calories she needs on a daily basis.
Being a star in Hollywood sometimes requires stepping into the shoes of a fitness instructor or a chubby, old lady.
A good actress needs to be able to transform herself and her body for the role and all that without compromising her health. This is how Emma Stone does it and she does it well!