The long-awaited end of 2020 is finally here and a new year has begun. It is the perfect time to reflect and immerse yourself in learning new things.
Forget about the popular new year’s resolutions and make them personal resolutions. Take some time to listen and learn something new about yourself.
Think about your own new year resolution for self-improvement and put it into practice every day of this year. Life lessons are different for everyone but here are some things 2020 taught us that we should reflect on and take into the new year.
1. Prioritize Health
This is probably one of the typical new year’s resolutions because the efforts to stay healthy has been our focus during the past year. But now we appreciate our health even more. The pandemic’s toll on our physical and mental health cannot be overstated.
We had to deal with a lot of uncertainty in our personal and professional lives, so the stress compounded. Now more than ever it is important to take time for yourself – meditate, recharge, reset, eat healthily and generally take care of yourself. Be more mindful of your emotions because this will help you tackle them better.
2. Leave the Pain Behind
Whoever or whatever hurt you in 2020 or previous years must stay in the past. Holding onto the pain, anger, resentment or any other emotions will serve no good. Pain can be such a heavy load, you will never be free to move forward and open yourself for new things. Releasing it all is a big favorite and forgiveness is the healing power that will make it all good again.
3. Embrace Love
This is by far the best new years resolution lesson – stop guarding your heart and embrace love in all forms. Stop letting fear drive you and don’t hold back on love. Everything about love is beautiful so don’t regret love and be loved even if things didn’t go the way you imagined. Love is to be felt, shared and enjoyed, just don’t lock up your heart. Don’t deprive yourself if this beautiful feeling and the power it gives you.
4. Be More Adaptable
This is probably one of the important lessons of 2020 to be flexible and adapt to change. The staggering pace of change accelerated by the coronavirus left many people feeling stunned and confused. We are going to be feeling the aftershocks of 2020 in the coming year So, it is important to be compassionate with ourselves and to learn to be more adaptable.
There is nothing more certain than change, so why resist it? Let it flow and move with it. Change is needed and necessary. It takes time for people, countries, companies and humanity, in general, to follow through a transformation, so be patient and empathic to yourself and others, we are all going through this change together.
5. Focus on the Positive
This is probably one of the biggest life lessons for everyone. If you spend your time and energy focusing on the good stuff it will multiply. This will also give you a better mindset and help you achieve what you manifest. You see more of what you focus on, so make sure it is great. Practising gratitude, celebrating your wins and appreciating the abundance in your life can be truly life-changing.
We have all had our personal resolutions for the new year, but there are things that remain valid for all of us throughout our whole lives. These 5 life lessons will always direct you in even in the most stressful and uncertain times. They are 2020 approved lessons that will help you deal with hardships in the future. Let’s strive to be a positive force in your world!