In the world of orchids – Large, incredibly beautiful colors, like giant butterflies perched on spectacular stencil. Duration of flowering more than any other houseplants. Extremely modest to the type of farming and creating a lot of positive emotions. This is only a small part of the description of the lovely orchids that grow at home. Time to tell about these beauties and to dispel myths and legends associated with their cultivation.
Orchids are plants with very interesting diet. Most of them are epiphytes (attached to other plants, using them for support, without hindering their development). There are species that feed on soil like most plants. Others live on barren rocks, and the fourth can be fed only if in their roots live a certain type of fungi.
How to grow orchids
Orchids love the intense light but not direct sun. Substrate, which do best are tree bark, mixed with a little soil. These are sold in flower shops as ready soil for orchids, but with good will, and you can create one substrate at home. Actually these interesting plants do not always need substrate grow.
On the notorious notion that the orchid should be viewed in a transparent container, you should know that it is recommended, but it is not mandatory condition.
For Phalaenopsis it is important at least some of the roots to be above the soil to photosynthesize. Since the roots contain chlorophyll, when the plant is sprinkled or there is sufficient moisture, they are deep green. However, if they are white, it is time for watering. The transparent container helps a lot in these observations. If even a part of the roots are green, it is not necessary to be watered.
Transplanting orchids is good to happen at least once every two years, although the more narrow is the court more often the plant is going to bloom.