The volcanoes are both frightening and exciting. Around the world there are dozens of majestic volcanoes, famous for its incredible beauty but scathing murderous force. Their stunning view attracts thousands of tourists every year from all over the world.
Here are ten of the most desirable destinations in the world with towering volcanoes.
Popocatépetl, Mexico
One of the most active volcanoes today, called El Popo, it is located 70 km southeast of Mexico City. Its last eruption was in 2013 it is located within the National Park. There you can also visit monasteries built by the Spanish friars in the 16th century. The most appropriate time for a visit is between December and March.
Krakatoa, Indonesia
Krakatoa is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, part of the National Park Udžung Coulomb. The eruption in 1883 is considered the most devastating in modern history – volcanic destroys a whole island and formed several new. Nearly 35000 people found their death in the eruption – by the power of the explosion and the ensuing tsunami.
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Kilimanjaro is impressive and rises 5895 metres high and is the highest mountain in Africa. Kilimanjaro is considered one of the easiest to climb mountains, in spite of the large displacement and the peak is climbed of over 20 000 people each year.
Bromo, Indonesia
It is located in East Java, and is part of the National Park Bromo Tenger Semeru. Bromo is one of the most popular volcanoes in South-East Asia. It is named Hindu God Brahma. The volcano is active and visits are sometimes limited.
St Helens, United States
The eruption of St Helens (St. Helena) in 1980 cost the lives of 57 people and affects an area of 600 square miles. To this day it remains the most active volcano on the whole territory of the United States of America.
Thrihnukagigur, Iceland
This volcano with this complicated name is located 21 km from Reykjavik and it is not active from 4000 years ago, but the interesting thing is that it can be examined from the inside – the 120 meters deep in the crater itself. The best time to visit is from June to August.
Arenal, Costa Rica
Arenal Volcano still spew lava, but the massive eruption was in 1968, it is now a popular tourist destination and one of the nicest things you can do if you visit a volcano, is to enjoy the incredible mineral hot springs.
Etna, Italy
It is located in the heart of Sicily and still spewing lava – Etna is one of the most remarkable and impressive volcanoes in the world. The peak is covered with snow and there are over 400 crater rises on 3329 meters altitude. Great place for climbing, as well as for tourism. The best time to visit is between April and November.
Fuji, Japan
Another emblematic volcano, became a cultural symbol of the land of the rising sun. Fuji is the highest point in Japan and is an active stratovolcano. The last eruption was in 1707. Best time for visit is between June and August.
Mount Vesuvius, Italy
Vesuvius is located on the coast of Naples and is best known for its spectacular eruption in ancient times, when it erased completely from the face of the Earth the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.