
Colorful Carnival On The Streets Of Germany


Colorful Carnival on the streets of Germany – what you should know about Carnival (Mardi Gras)



The Carnival is one of the most popular and fun events not only in the Rhine region, but also in Germany and in parts of Europe as a whole. Surely you know the American variant, namely Mardi grass (Shrove Tuesday) in New Orleans. Today we want to tell briefly about the customs of the Carnival, accompanied by a great image gallery!





The Carnival (Mardi Gras) usually takes place in February or March of each year and starts just before Lent. The first day of the Carnival is the Weiberfastnacht, i.e. the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, when the street carnival is officially opened. This day “Altweiberfastnacht” or “Mardi” is called in the Rhineland. It is customary on this day to cut off the ties of men as symbolic female takeover.




We advise these men to watch and not the favorite tie to this day! One covered with a mask or a costume and goes through the noisy streets or in various guest houses.




The Rosenmontag (Carnival Monday also) follows the next day. In the afternoon, to the side to set the work and preparing for the offer. The first such procession dates from 1824 and was organised in Cologne. The biggest parades are held to date in this area.




As you can see in the photos, there are not only decorated motif car, but also illustrations events political and everyday. Each participant, or so-called Yekke, presents his costume, some funny, others frightening. The hustle and bustle through the streets ensures a good mood, it is sung, danced and drank.


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The last time Carnival Tuesday is celebrated vigorously. Stupid behaviour is brought to an end but gradually, that’s why some Carnival activist wear black as a sign of mourning. Usually there’s a straw doll, Nubbel burning this evening is in many places. The end of the Carnival is the Ash Wednesday, when lent begins.

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