
What the Lockdown Thought Us About Ourselves

social isolation

It has been a whole year since people all over the globe entered the first COVID-19 lockdown. While the pandemic is still quite a part of our present, it has already taught us plenty of valuable lessons. In this article, we want to explore together what we have learned about ourselves as a result of our time in lockdown.


hands throwing their masks in the sky

appreciation thank you letter in a brown envelope


#1. Appreciate What You Have

It is so natural to take things for granted when you are used to having easy access to them. A walk in the park, a steady job, a physical gathering with friends and family, visiting a new place, etc. All of these can feel too simple to enjoy when they are part of your day-to-day experience. However, these small things can suddenly become priceless when it is no longer possible or safe to enjoy them.



lockdown working with kids mother trying to work with her kids around a two little kittens

self care isn't selfish writing on a table on a pink table


#2. Self-care Is Different from Self-Indulgence

If there is something that a lockdown can teach you, it is to take proper care of yourself. When you are going through your days at the speed of light, you may easily develop unhealthy habits. However, due to pandemic psychology, you have probably started taking vitamins and boosting your immune system in different ways. As a result of this, self-care has turned from a nice-to-have thing into a necessity.


working from home woman with headphones on working on a laptop with her cat


#3. Communication, Work and Learning Do Not Have to Stop

In periods of lockdown most people work and study from home. And as long as we have proper digital skills, as well as the necessary technology, things can work out well. Yet, it is vital to help people at all ages develop digital literacy because remote work is in the process of becoming the new normal.


work life balance stones balancing on a beach with the sea in the background


#4. Work-Life Balance Is Important

On the one hand, it felt nice to have more time for our hobbies during the lockdown. On the other hand, studying and working from home caused new types of challenges. Kids do not necessarily enjoy watching their parents working. At the same time, parents can come across various difficulties in terms of helping their children study from home.


breathing exercises woman breathing in front of a computer with her hands in mudra


Another lesson that we learned from the psychology of pandemic has to do with space management. It is not always possible to have a separate office where you can fully concentrate on work. However, it is important to make sure you do not work where you spend your leisure time. Otherwise, you it gets more challenging to relax and recharge.


woman with black hair and yellow turtleneck blouse putting mask down


#5. Physical Distance Does Not Mean Isolation

Last, but not least, the lockdown has also helped us realize how devastating isolation can be. So, even if we live by ourselves, yet, it is vital to find ways in which we can remain in connection with the people we love. Yes, it may not be the same as what we would normally choose. Yet, any form of connection is better than no connection.


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