
Modern Flameless Candles

F-flameless candles uncomplicated, safe and varied

F-flameless candles uncomplicated, safe and varied


Flameless candles are an electronic alternative to traditional wick candles. They are typically utilized as aesthetic lighting devices and come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Because they are illuminated by a small light bulb, rather than an open flame, they pose less threat as fire hazards and do not melt or lose their form over time.



Green Candle in jar-flameless Candles



As a decorative element, the design of a flameless candle is relatively versatile. The body or “housing” of the device is commonly cylindrical, containing a battery pack and an often flame shaped LED light that rests at the top of the candle. Many manufactures use LED lights with an irregular twinkling or flicker effect to simulate the calming glow of an open flame. The body of a flameless candle can likewise be made of wax to enhance its resemblance to traditional candles. Because LED lights do not put out as much heat as a live flame, wax based flameless candles do not melt but, rather, maintain their original shape and size for future use.




LED candles in ivory-flameless candles


Metallic gold LED Candles-flameless Candles


Some flameless candles are scented, serving as air fresheners as well as lighting devices. Others, designed specifically for outdoor use, incorporate features including integrated insect repellent. As the sun sets, an ambient light sensor, housed in the body of the candle, triggers a small fan near a fragrance compartment. Geranial or other repellents are then released. Additional features may include remote control light switches, integrated timers and air treatment apparatus.



Red candles with remote control-flameless Candles

White candle with mussels LED-flameless Candles


Flameless candles are designed to eliminate the need for an open flame, thus, reducing their potential as fire hazards. Nonetheless, the bulbs inside some of them may heat up significantly. In a pediatric study conducted in 2013, it is suggested that flameless candles are a minor cause of battery related injuries in children. Seventy-seven percent of batteries ingested by children were identified as having come from flameless candles.


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